Dallas Bathtub Refinishing Dallas bathtub refinishing is a bathtub, tile, vanity and sink refinishing company in Dallas TX I use the Coatings and synergistic process endorsed by the Professional Bathtub Refinishing Association. Dallas Bathtub Refinishing etching procedure You will not find the dangerous and deadly hydroflouric acid in your home when you hire me. I use an etching disc operating at over 2600 R.P.M. to etch the old surface. Opening pores in the old surface and creating microscopic scratches. Why is Etching so Important The etching process is one of the first steps that enables the final result to be a surface that has an expected life span of over 20 years. Each step is synergistic in that it builds upon the foundation of the step before so after completion of all the steps the final outcome is a permanent refinished surface and not a temporary painted surface. More about bonding from Dallas Bathtub Refinishing The molecular bonding technology I use was actually developed by the aerospace program to bond coatings on a molecular level to high altitude aircraft and space equipment. When you combine etching of the old surface, with the chemical welding properties of molecular bonding followed by a copolymer surface that is designed for bathtub and tile refinishing has a life expectancy of over 20 years before it needs to be refinished again.
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Dallas Bathtub Refinishing Services
Dallas Bathtub Services bathtub and tile refinishing in Dallas,Tx. ArchivesCategories