Dallas Bathtub Refinishing |972-391-7994 Today's refinishing took me out to Richardson in Dallas county. They had a bathtub that needed refinished and also asked if I could help them with the shower pan that had been deeply punctured by the tile installers. Dallas Bathtub Refinishing Sale The customer took advantage of my bathtub refinishing sale and was able to save over $180.00 on her Dallas bathtubs. I repaired the chips along the sides and also repaired a rusted hole at the base of the new drain. As you can see from the above pictures the Bathtub was Porcelain and they had just spent a small fortune on tile and remodeling their gorgeous home. The Bathtub looked really outdated after the new tile and vanity was completed. However, Just like I told the homeowners the chips in the side of the tub were actually a blessing. If it were not for the chips they were going to just leave the bathtub untouched. However, the chips made them research the bathtub refinishing process. I explained to them how when the glaze is worn and dull as it was on the bottom of the bathtub this allows lead to leech into the bathwater and I encouraged them to go to you tube and type in bathtub contains lead. The GREAT news is that refinishing will completely seal this problem off! Just as when the bathtub was new again. Dallas Bathtub Refinishing | 972-391-7994 | Since 1992 Shower Pan Refinishing The same home that had the bathtub refinished mentioned above also had a shower pan that the tile people had punctured and he was thinking it would need replaced. I explained to him how using fiberglass resin I can actually melt a new surface into the old surface and give him a better shower pan than if he bought a new one. I discounted it by $60 since I was already at his home and If I could have done it for free I would have because this couple was absolutely 100% NICE to be around! I watched a little of the Cowboy game in between applying coats on the bathtub and shower pan. Very nice people and it made my weekend perfect!
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Dallas Bathtub Refinishing
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